KYOTO Zokyudo Gallery

Zokyudo Gallery - Kyoto

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Our collections and Shiro Waki's works on show

Leonard Foujita - child sucking a finger ( copperplate print 34.2 × 25.9 cm )

Shiro Waki - Noh play in firewood light
Shiro Waki ( 1925-1988 ) born in Tochigi pref. and studied under Soutarou-Yasui in Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music He drew the profound and quiet elegance world which was composed by the subject of SAIHOJI , 能 or such. 62 years old of age at death

ARTISTS whose works we exhibit on this term
Yae Asano / Saburoh Asano / Masuo Ikeda / Taro Okamoto / Shinichi Saito / Kokuta Suda / Miematsu Tanabe / Setsuko Migishi / Isao Nishimura 

Our collections and Shiro Waki's works on show

May 7 ( Mon ) - 31 ( Thu )
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM No closing in this term
Zokyudo Gallery
604-8091 1fl, Nishi-iru, Kawaramachi, Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto