中西良展 眩耀の果てに
Ryo Nakanishi Exhibition
中西 良 「曙光」72.7×72.7cm 20S
― 中西良の新作 ―
Latest works of Nakanishi Ryo
How do we describe that, depicting original paintings with the painter's own style?
This question suddenly occurs to me in this exhibition when I review Ryo Nakanishi's latest artworks and feels as if he has shifted from past multichrome to monochrome style.
It is an undoubted process turning to the individual style of artistic creation gradually, starting from the entrance of the art subject, choosing the proficient way of painting, and then his theme changing from popular motif to individual idea. From my side, I think becoming universal should be after expressing the national originality that existed before.
No choosing a special theme, but picked the theme like the rustle of the trees in the suburbs, Ryo Nakanishi focuses on scenes of daily life.
Everyone has the experience that impression remains on the eyes after all colors of an image fade away when dizzily looking up sunlight leaking from the leaves of the trees.
The new works he produced from this experience, they seem to be a reversal of the traditional color recognition method.
As a result, that reminds us of the monochromatic aesthetic sense traditionally held by Japanese, becoming an original element full of individuality.
(Photo by 山下武)
中西良 作家ページ
Ryo Nakanishi Artist page
中西良展 眩耀の果てに / Ryo Nakanishi Exhibition
- 日時:
- 2020年7月18日(土)- 8月8日(土) 会期中無休
July 18 ( Sat ) - August 8 ( Sat ),2020
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM
【 no closing in this term 】
- 会場:
- 京都・蔵丘洞画廊(〒604-8091京都市中京区御池通河原町西入 ホテル本能寺1F)
【Zokyudo Gallery】 1fl, Nishi-iru, Kawaramachi, Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto